Yang tua yang terlantar
wajar jika penduduk setempat kerap menelantarkan pohon-pohon indah ini,
namun dari aromanya masih tercium khas ,harum kayu putih.
walau usia tanaman ini sudah sangat tua.menurut penduduk setempat ,di tempat itu memang dahulunya adalah perkebunan kayu putih milik zaman kolonial Belanda.
perkebunan ini kini berubah fungsi menjadi perkebunan rumput gajah.sangat di wajar kan karena sebagian besar mata pencaharian penduduk desa itu adalah bertani dan beternak sapi perah.
maka tak heran jika ada banyak pohon kayu putih yang kini hilang ditebang karna dianggap mengganggu ladang mereka,hanya sedikit yang masih tersisa dan itupun mulai ada yang mati karena di makan usia.
Displaced old
Far below the foot of the mountain Tangkuban Parahu, precisely in a village quite far from highway access to the villagers here cisaroni. The east side of the canyon to a beautiful, tree-old eucalyptus trees still standing in a row on the edge of the hill, it leaves the some have started to round and whitened without no longer maintained, perhaps these trees are decades and even hundreds of years old so no longer productive.
reasonable if local residents are often neglected trees of this beautiful,
but the smell still wafted from typical, fragrant eucalyptus.
although the age of the plant have been very tua.menurut locals, the place was formerly a eucalyptus plantation owned by the Dutch colonial era.
This estate is now changing the function into plantations in natural grass gajah.sangat's because most of the villagers' livelihood is farming and raising dairy cows.
so no wonder if there is a lot of eucalyptus trees are now missing cut karna disturbing their fields, only a few remaining and they even began to have died because of eating age.
Far below the foot of the mountain Tangkuban Parahu, precisely in a village quite far from highway access to the villagers here cisaroni. The east side of the canyon to a beautiful, tree-old eucalyptus trees still standing in a row on the edge of the hill, it leaves the some have started to round and whitened without no longer maintained, perhaps these trees are decades and even hundreds of years old so no longer productive.
reasonable if local residents are often neglected trees of this beautiful,
but the smell still wafted from typical, fragrant eucalyptus.
although the age of the plant have been very tua.menurut locals, the place was formerly a eucalyptus plantation owned by the Dutch colonial era.
This estate is now changing the function into plantations in natural grass gajah.sangat's because most of the villagers' livelihood is farming and raising dairy cows.
so no wonder if there is a lot of eucalyptus trees are now missing cut karna disturbing their fields, only a few remaining and they even began to have died because of eating age.
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